glucose tolerance test diet before it

glucose tolerance test diet before it

do i have hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia? hypoglycemia refers to low blood sugar, hyperglycemiais when it is too high. and both are caused by diabetes or borderline diabetic conditions. yes, but i do not know what i may have low blood sugar can cause fatigue, lack ofmotor coordination, confusion, blurred vision,

glucose tolerance test diet before it, dizziness. unfortunately, high blood sugar can also causeagitation and confusion, so they look the same in some situations. only high blood sugar makes your sweat smellsweet, leads to greater thirst and urination,

sweet smelling urine – nothing which will actually make the bathroomsmell better. hypoglycemia can cause nausea. high bloodsugar over time will lead to weight loss. i want to know what i have much faster thanthat. low blood sugar can cause fainting and unconsciousness,but so can hyperglycemia. but if you’re regularly feeling faint or pass out, talkto your doctor, instead of trying to self-diagnose. i’ve heard horror stories of people thinkingthey have the plague and five other conditions after searching health websites to figureout what they have. hypoglycemia can cause cold, clammy skin.high blood sugar won’t.

but stressing about it might. low blood sugar can be treated by having asnack or even sucking on candy. if you feel bad and a candy makes you feel better, itis low blood sugar, whereas if it makes the symptoms worse, you probably have high bloodsugar. i’ve heard that your diet can impact things. if you do not have breakfast and pass outafter walking to work, you have hypoglycemia. if you have bacon and eggs for breakfast andare fine, but orange juice makes you sick, it is hyperglycemia. how else can i tell if i have hypoglycemiaor hyperglycemia?

your doctor should do a fasting blood testto see what your blood sugar levels are. if that’s borderline, you could take the glucosetolerance test. i’ve heard of pregnant women going in fasting,then drinking a sugary mix and their blood sugar testing every hour or two. if your body has trouble handling the sugarand releasing insulin in time to process the drink, you’ll have high blood sugar resultson the test. i do not want to wait all day to do that. but that’s only done, assuming you’renot pregnant, if the standard blood sugar tests they do along with your cholesteroltests make it seem necessary. and the fasting

blood sugar or fbs test is usually part ofthe free annual wellness checks. free is good. if the doctor is concerned about the fbs testresults, you may be sent for the a1c or average blood sugar level test, which is the mostaccurate diabetes diagnostic tool. then you really know what you have. yeah, an answer.


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