glucose tolerance test diet menu

glucose tolerance test diet menu

i want to know the signs you are diabeticduring pregnancy. bad results on the blood tests they do aroundthe seventh month when you drink that nasty sugary drink are a sure sign. i’d like to know what to look for beforethat point. if you had gestational diabetes with the firstkid, there’s a high risk of it the second

glucose tolerance test diet menu, go around. i know that you’re at risk for it if youhave a family history of it, which i do. one of the signs of diabetes in any case isurine that smells sweet. it still smells bad to me. then again, sodoes the meat aisle.

some of the signs of gestational diabetesare the same as standard diabetes, like increased thirst and urination. i’m already peeing for two, and dehydrationis a common problem during pregnancy. let’s just say, if you’re already drinkingmore water and it isn’t enough, you need to talk to a doctor. increased thirst and drinking more may bea sign of a second trimester growth spurt and expanding blood vessels or being pregnantduring the summer, so that isn’t enough for me to worry about it. increased hunger can be a sign of prenataldiabetes.

i’m eating for two. no, you’re at most eating for one pointtwo, since the kid should not weigh more than ten pounds even at the end of the pregnancy. i do not know if ten pounds is healthy orunhealthy. you’re at risk for it if you had a babyover ten pounds, and having gestational diabetes increases the odds the baby you’re carryingwill be a whopper. the difference between men’s fishing storiesand women’s birth stories is that the women can guilt trip the kids with it while theguys only tell them between trips. if you have a spike in hunger and thirst whilepregnant and it isn’t because you’ve been

throwing up a lot, you should talk to thedoctor about diabetes checks. what symptoms of diabetes during pregnancyshould i look out for? blurred vision. you can get that with preeclampsia and highblood pressure. that’s something you have to see the doctorabout too, and in fact, preeclampsia is life threatening, so you have to get to a doctorif you have that symptom. so being hungrier, thirstier or bigger thannormal when i’m already experiencing changes that make me hungry, tired, swollen and thirstyare symptoms. that’s why they do the blood tests.

you’d think i’d be over the anxiety ofblood tests, when i’m about to be peed on, pooped on and spit up on so much it will becute.


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