hermit crab diet list

hermit crab diet list

hi! i am debbie with expertvillage.com. weare talking about having hermit crabs as pets and what we are discussing right now is whatkinds of food you can give your crab and how you maintain healthy water for your crab.there are lots of foods on the market now, powdered varieties, there are some with littleshrimp, brine shrimp in them. i prefer this little powdered variety, because the smellis not really strong and somehow it gets a

hermit crab diet list, little rank and its easily cleaned up, ifyour crabs don’t eat it. this one has a lot of iron, they contain some coconut, whichis good for your crabs. crabs are slow eaters and they don’t eat a whole lot, so you don’twant to give your crab a ton of food, just what they can eat in a 24-hour period. so,usually for five crabs, i would give them

about this much, probably not going to eatit all, i will clean it out after 24 hours. also, in their food dish because crabs areomnivorous, which means they will eat almost anything, you want to give them some freshfood as well, a piece of apple, a little piece of carrot, they really love, because i likewatching how much they eat, you can really tell there are little bites they have takenin those fresh pieces of food. now, super important to get this food out of here after24 hours because it is going to get rotten and you don’t want that. your crabs don’tneed to eat rotten food. so, again you are going to clean out their food dish every 24hours.


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