4 hour body diet breakfast

4 hour body diet breakfast

it's time to awaken. come on, man, it's late. my name is zorba, i want my beauty sleep i'm ready for the day the abraxi day one

4 hour body diet breakfast, breakfast of 30 grams of protein within30 minutes of waking. so rebecca i are doing a 30 day challenge of everymorning, eating 30 grams of protein within 30minutes of waking. this is based on the suggestions of the slow carb diet prettymuch from tim ferriss's book: 4 hour body

and i've done this low carb diet and ikind of still do it now but i really like to try to get better at thebreakfast piece. he says, he talked about how important it is to have thatbreakfast within 30 minutes of waking but we're going to try this for 30 daysand see if it makes any difference in our bodies so all we really hope to achieve withthis is seeing if eating within 30 minutes, you know, can kick off the metabolismwell enough to burn a little bit more fat. i'd like to lose a little fat around mywaist,

i think rebecca feels pretty much the same,although i think she's in a lot better shape than i am, but if i can just cutjust a little bit of this chunk around, you know, a little bit of back fat, it's not a lot but, just you know stillbugs me feel it i feel it right now. i can feel it's over there. so we can seeif that makes a difference (making slow carb breakfast) you're not supposed to eat fruit but a littlebit of blueberries must be good for you can't be that bad

29 minutes is a little bit of blueberries in it andfigure that that's gonna be ok it can't be that bad right? yeah, i made two of them. so, what time did you wake up? 730 ok.where do i just need to get a drink of water so 29 minutes ok ok you have oneminute to drink water i can't seem to get them to wake up. yeah it is good i think the biggestthing is that we're not getting where we're not eating it so i think for me ihave a right to eat some cheesy

yeah then you don't want at all yeah ok oh man, i feel like i haven't slept. all right i felt like that too and ijust said "hey body, what would it take to feeltotally rested?" body, what will it take to feel totallyrested? come on body. is it a hundred percent of your bodythat hurts? yeah, totally... oh no it's like it's a really good oneright then y equals the one to ten

percent why not focus on the ninety percent so i havethree i don't know what you want so when why we're doing this 30 daysthen we'll just do a little bit of body movement ok i really like maybe dance not fitness just a little body rock but lack to the song heading out for a walk i have not beenoutside basically all day and then heading pulling a long day and editingand just as a step out huge crack of thunder

if please taught me anything it's todefinitely stop little now and then just check in with where you're at editing it's really easy to get pluggedin and just be nonstop and that can be really good you know we get a lot done but sometimesi think actually on start to hit a lull and i don't so working a lot slower so it's fiveo'clock it's time to move the body just a littlebit maybe a workout when i get home and then i'm gonna do more tonight

d that was needed morgan


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