avoid hyperkalemia diet

avoid hyperkalemia diet

keli: a change in the quality of your voiceis called hoarseness. it can be caused from something simple as having a cold, it canbe caused from something worse, and it can cause temporary or even permanent damage tothe vocal cords. dr. daniel ganc of boca raton regional hospital is here to break down someof these causes and how you can get help. thank you for being here.daniel ganc, md: thanks for having me.

avoid hyperkalemia diet, keli: what causes a hoarse voice?daniel ganc, md: hoarse voice can most commonly be caused by just a common cold or virus thatwill go away on its own. there are other causes of more longstanding hoarseness, which caninclude things like postnasal drip from allergies, acid reflux, irritants like smoking or otherchemicals, and in some cases even growths

or tumors.keli: as with any, there can be different degrees of damage. what are some of the differentdegrees of damage that can happen to the voice box.daniel ganc, md: in the short term, for example a cold, you can cause inflammation that canlead to cough, that can lead to difficulty performing whether it's singing or talkingat your work. some of the things you need to do if that happens and you have a cold,first of all take it easy like any other muscle. if you get hoarse, take some time off, stoptalking as much as possible and drink plenty of fluids. usually with time it will get better.if you're having more severe, longstanding issue, you need to see your ear, nose andthroat doctor and help figure out what the

cause is and try to treat those causes.keli: in choir, we used to called that voice rest. what about stomach acid or heartburn,can any of that effect the vocal cords? daniel ganc, md: they definitely can affectthe vocal cords in several ways. people who have a lot of exposure to acid reflux, meaningacid coming up out of the stomach and into the throat can cause hoarseness lasting along time, and that can with proper treatment, meaning changing your diet to avoid eatinglate, things like caffeine, chocolate, peppermint, sodas, decreasing those kind of foods. andeven acid reflux medication can sometimes help decrease the effects of the acid reflux.in some severe cases, acid reflux can be a contributory factor for even growths of thevocal cords.

keli: many of us have heard the term laryngitis,but what exactly is that? daniel ganc, md: laryngitis is a general termmeaning inflammation of the vocal cords. that can be from any cause, whether a virus ora bacteria or from having constant acid reflux or postnasal drip irritating the vocal cordsand causing inflammation and redness. keli: what can cause tumors or cancer, aswe switch topics to something a little more serious than just hoarseness, if you havetumors or cancer of the voice box, what can cause that?daniel ganc, md: well, tumors can either be benign tumors, which can be from too muchoveruse of the voice. there's many famous singers who have surgery for growths thathappen from overuse of the voice. but also

children, teachers, speaking too loud. peoplewho use their voice either yelling or not using proper vocal techniques during singing.the more dangerous causes of cancerous forms of vocal cord tumors can be, most commonly,smoking, which is heavily implicated. especially people who are smoking and consuming a highamount of alcohol. and there other factors more and more so,the human papillomavirus, hpv has been implicated in causes of vocal cord cancer, as to lesserextent, acid reflux. keli: so, rest your voice if it starts tofeel tired like any other muscle. thank you so much again for being here, dr. ganc.daniel ganc, md: thanks for having me. keli: i appreciate it. and boca raton regionalhospital sponsors our expert and underwrites

our "ask the doctor" segment.


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