blood type diet o negative meal plan

blood type diet o negative meal plan

hi guys! welcome to my channel! today i amdoing the baking soda gender reveal test.its been a highly requested test and here is my urine and i know... really gross... i also have a little helper right here. my youngest jaka can you say hi? hi!

blood type diet o negative meal plan, alright, so the rules of the game is you pour your urine into the baking soda and if you are having a boy it should fizzle some. similar to a soda pop. i dont know how long it fizzles but if it doesn't do anything at all then its a girl. lets do this! omg it fizzed!!! did you see that!?!?!??

it fizzed a lot! i know that probably doesn't really mean we are having a boy but if we are having a boy thats crazy! i just think its a girl so much. i can't believe that. dang! alright guys, i cannot believe that. did you see the fizz after? i've seen so many gender tests on youtube and i have never seen it fizz for anyone ever. so that really surprised me. so, 1 point for the boy! let me know if you tried this test at home and if it was accurate for you or if it was completely skewed. i would love to hear that. i still can't believe it was a boy for this test! thats crazy. i just didnt expect that. let me know what you think of this video. we have a couple more gender prediction videos coming up so stay tuned for those and we are eventually going to tally all the results to find out if we are having a boy or a girl

bye guys! if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and thank you so much for being a subscriber.


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