blood type diet o negative

blood type diet o negative

lives. that's what some students at ivy tech community college are learning to do right now.

blood type diet o negative, i met with students and instructors to find out how they do it. if you don't like needles,

you may need to turn away. a sharp poke, a few moments, a bandage later and you've donated blood. the blood is then screened for disease and tested for compatibility - the topic ivy tech students are covering today.

the blood cells and plasma are separated first using a centrifuge. then they are tested in three categories according to ivy tech medical lab chair heather morson. sot "we use the plasma and the red cells to determine our patients

abo type. then we determine the rh factor and then we do some compatibility testing." using a series of re-agents, students like austin christenberry go to work confirming the blood type and rh. sot "we type the patient

sample, and that will give us the type a, b, ab, or o. and whether they are rh postive or negative. that's where you get the postive or negative at the end of their type." students then test cross match samples for compatibility to ensure the

donor unit is safe to give the patient. the ivy tech medical lab technicians realize donated units are precious and run simulations that still give students need to know experience. sot "so we simulate samples and the hospitals in the

surrounding and actually the hospitals in the surrounding area help by giving us little segs or portions of their units. so our students can learn and test from that. "


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