blood type diet o rh negative

blood type diet o rh negative

so i was sitting in the doctor chair because i was about to donate blood because i do that, and i was thinking, "ugh. the next video is like 6 minutes long. that's twice as long as my other videos. i need to come up with a super short...

blood type diet o rh negative, video... to... keep... my viewers... quenched..." so i was sitting in the recovery room, eating my pretzels-

you know, okay! what happened to the good food you'd get when you donated blood? i remember a year ago, when i started donating, they had fruit snacks, and double stuffed oreos, and apple juice. now it's like, "here's some water and some pretzels! you're a real hero, you know?" like that was one of the main reasons i donated blood. "oh you saved so many lives! thank you-" yea yea yea, just give me my oreos! like, if i was roommates with dracula and he offered to cook me a meal, like, a good tasting meal for a cup of my blood,

i would accept it in a heartbeat. (chuckles) i mean, not everyday, obviously. maybe, like, every friday. so this happen- so this all happened about an hour ago, well, probably like two days ago when this video comes out, and if you're watching it a year from now, it happened about a year ago. so, sorry if i don't sound as animated as usual.

so it is entirely possible that someone watching this has my blood in them. and i think that makes us related, by blood. so i got into the blood donation business because my dad kep- because my dad has o negative blood which is the universal donor blood. they keep o negative blood on ambulances because o negative can give to everyone. there's no blood tests needed. but i'm o positive, which is the most common blood type.

so i'm not... special. one time, when i was in- one time i was in a child development class and i don't know how the topic came up, but my table started talking about blood types. and i said, "oh, i'm o positive." and this girl across from me says, "oh i forget mine, but my doctor said i'm the universal donor. " and i said, "oh, that means you're o negative."

and then the teacher walks by and is like, "oh, you're talking about blood types? what are- what are you, uh... girl?" and she says, "o neg." she said o neg! like so many people have asked what her blood type is, and she didn't want to waste her time anymore than she had to by saying -ative.

you didn't even know what your blood type was until i said it! and then, i don't remember why, but she got her donor card out of her purse. and it says what blood type you have, and she says, "huh. on here it says i have o positive. "hmm. so i guess o positive is the universal donor." and you know those moments, when you want to argue with someone because you're so obviously right? but you just don't care enough, and you don't want to talk to the person any longer than you have to? you know those moments? so i go, "oh. yea. i guess you're right."

(inhales) (exhales heavly) okay, so now were at the end of the video if any of you can donate blood, you should actually really go because it a really good cause. and i think you need to be 18 to donate, that how old i was and, okay so- so i think about adding this new thing where i- i answer some of your questions. here we go. zenfix asks,

"why do you draw your comics at night?" well it's because i work on videos and do homework and school in the morning. thefoxysquad youtube asks, make tutorials please, i can't even make the squares. frowny face :( okay, jeez, everyone else can leave this tutorial is for foxysquad okay, so i'm assuming that you're new to paint tool sai, that's the program i'm using. here's the stabilizer bar, the bigger the number is, the more stable it is

just... mess around with it. this has nothing to do with making squares, but i didn't know about these for the first 2 months i started. also, it only works with tablets, not mouses. these numbers, i know what they do, but don't touch 'em. okay, so making a perfect square. oh look! this canvas has the same height and length! it's a square! boom! so if you press this button it makes a new line art layer. it's different than the other layers.

and this layer makes all your drawings a vector. use the straight line tool to touch the 4 corners of your canverse- canverse? boom! you got a box. and then create a new layer over the line art one and then collapse the layers and look, the box is no longer in a line art layer. okay, goodbye, i'm gonna go lay down now.


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