cottage cheese diet meal plan

cottage cheese diet meal plan

what's up guys christian hear from thestraight nation com chances already clicked on this video because you'relooking for protein sources other than meat everybody knows really the the mainprotein sources that everyone talks about is like a chicken breast steak or beef or turkey or and basicallyany type of meat right

cottage cheese diet meal plan, but in this video we're going to talkabout other protein sources of protein sources that are protein sources otherthan meat so so yeah that's what we're going to look at this video protein sources other than meat

obviously there's protein powder i made a video on what types of proteinpowder are best and what to look for in them only that in the description so youhave protein powder eggs whole egg seeking do the whole eggs egg beaters oregg whites and a great source you have low-fat cottage cheese that's greatthat's great source of protein other than meat you have a greek yogurt now the way i dogreek yogurt as i get the plane version from chobani and i put coats bananas ofzero calorie chocolate syrup from walden farms and some stevia in there and ittastes amazing so that's another great

form of another great source of proteinother than meat and then you you can have complementary proteinssuch as beans or quinoa those are other great sources of proteinso yeah i hope that helped you guys those are other forms of protein that i sorry there isn't a don't think so yeahthe others the other sources those are the sourcesof protein other than meat so one more time it's a protein powdereggs low-fat cottage cheese or group are zero fat greek yogurt and complimentaryproteins just like beans or quinoa those are some protein sources thatother than meat that i would recommend

other than that you can still stick ifyou want to with the chicken steak turkey beef all your meats basicallymeans to one if you are going to stick with me i recommend chicken breast thatjust the skinless chicken breasts the easiest to cook 05 is quick sourceof protein or protein powder whichever works best for you so i hope they i hope for providing somevalue for you guys let me know if you have any other questions or otherprotein sources that so much may not know about and yeah i'll be seeing you guys soon.


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