diet for building muscle ectomorph

diet for building muscle ectomorph

hello and welcome to fit foodswith me, rob riches. you're watching prozis tv, and on today's showwe're going to get technical and scientific and break down the macronutrient numbers for our ultimate mega shakefor you ectomorphs out there. let me get these glasses off. that's better. i can see you guys now. basically, what we're going to do is recovering a number of questions that i'm seeing being postedon our comment section of these videos below about ectomorphs.

how to get the calories in throughout the day. a lot of people are saying, "hey, rob, i can't eat all these meals. "i can't get the calories in that i need to ." and for ectomorphs, let's be honest, they need to get a lot of calories in. three and a half, four thousand calories. their metabolism is much higher, they need to get the calories in to allow a surplus for their bodyto actually have some energy and calories, to be able to lay down and grow new muscle.

so, the easiest way to do that is with a shake. but a lot of these mass shakes on the marketare high in the wrong types of fat, a lot of sodium in and, let's be honest,they're not packed with the best nutrition. so, as always here on fit foods,we're going to turn that around and start with good high-quality nutrition. and today we're going to make a 1200 calorie shake with about 100 g of protein, 100 g of carbs,about 60 g of good fats and keep the sodium low, just enough fibre to make sure you're gettingthe right type of nutrition in the shake.

are you with me? alright,let's check out the ingredients on today's recipe. so, let's have a look at the ingredientsand the nutrition of each particular ingredient here. we're going to start with proteinand for that, of course, whey protein is going to be our number one ingredient. i've got 2 scoops here. we're looking at about 40 gof high-quality, complete-amino acid profile. that's definitely going to go into the mix. now, carbohydrates are usually the macronutrient that make up the bulkof these mass-gain protein shakes.

and let's be honest, it's just empty calories, it's a low-quality, there's no fibre in there. it's just to add calories. and with our monster shakewe want to add the right kind of calories. so, we're going to use a numberof different types of carbohydrates. we've got more of a complex, slower-release carbohydrate here with a cup of oats. i'm going to add 2 table spoons of raw honey,organic honey. this is a great kind of sugar,because it's pre-digested by the bees. comes out of bee bottoms, or wherever it comes out,

but honey is a good kind of sugar,even though it is quite high-glycemic. that's going to go in. as well as that, we have some raw almonds,a quarter of a cup here. omega-3. healthy fats go in there. these are high in polyunsaturated fats, so again,the right kind of nutrition goes into our shake. i'm going to add a little bit more proteinwith about a cup of natural egg whites. instead of using water,we need to add a lot of calories into this, because for the ectomorphs, we need those calories up. so, protein, good carbs,

and then fats, i'm going to adda little bit from this trio here: a table spoon of virgin coconut oil, great mcts, medium-chain triglycerides. we're going to get a table spoon of that. not only does it add healthy fats, but it's going to adda fantastic taste, flavour and aroma. that with the chocolate is going to go together nicely. flax oil. again, high in omega-3, ala, this is a good fat that we often lack in our diet,

so we're going to get plenty of that in our shake. and just to keep the calories up there,i'm going to do a table spoon of flaxseed. so, a lot of protein, a lot of carbs, a lot of fat is going in this 1200-calorie mega shake, but it's the right nutrition. it's high-quality, nutrient-dense good nutritionthat our body needs, and especially those ectomorphslooking to gain some size. it's all about quality nutrition. just one more thing that we're going to add.

you can see there's a lot of green going on in today's show, and as with my very scientific glasses, that's because i'm going to add just a half table spoon of matcha tea, and green tea matchais going to add a natural boost of energy. let's be honest, we need that,especially with all these calories. it's going to help with our metabolism a little bit more, it's going to be great flavourwith that coconut and chocolate, and it's high in antioxidants, so anything good that we can put into the shake,we're going to put in.

so, with that being said,let's get the scientific off, let's get down to blendingall of these fantastic ingredients. and here we have our 1200-calorie shake. this is ideal for those ectomorphslooking to put on some size and get good nutrition into their diet. now, let me just say,i wouldn't recommend drinking all of this in one. it's a lot of calories to put into the body. it's a lot of calories, fats, protein and carbs for the body to have to metabolise and digesteven in its liquid form.

what i would recommend is drinking this over the course of at least an hour,maybe an hour and a half, so drink a third of it, wait 20 or 30 minutes, drink another third, wait 10, 15 minutes, drink the rest, therefore you give your body timeto actually metabolise it and allow for some uptake and digestion before drinking the rest. let me finish with these glasses off. we talked about numbers at the beginning of the show, those 1200 calories are made up primarilyof about 100 g of carbohydrates

with 15 g of fibre in there, that's something you don't getin those mass-gain meals. we have about 40 g of sugar, but let's be honest, if you're looking to put on some size,if you're an ectomorph, you need sugar in your diet. almost 40% of the calories from this mega-mass meal comes from protein. that gives us about 100 g of protein. and fats? it's about 60 g of fats, but let's not forget that it's the good, healthy,a lot of omega-3-rich fats

that we're not getting from much of our diet. so, if you're an ectomorph or somebody just looking to put on some sizeand get some serious calories into your diet, this is the shake for you. i'm not looking to put on that much size,not with this many calories, but as always on fit foods we do give a taste test. that is one thick shake! i can taste the matcha in there, it's very coconutty... chocolate.

there's a lot of flavours in there. if you like food and you're an ectomorph,you're going to love this shake. alright, guys, on that note, got to be careful not to finish the rest of that, make sure, i'm going to put the glasses back on for this, you subscribe to our youtube channel keep watching more of my shows hereon prozis tv and don't forget to check outmore videos, supplements, workouts and get your exclusive coupon codein the description below.

i'm rob riches, keep talking to meon twitter @robriches, using #prozistv,

diet for building muscle ectomorph,and i'll see you guys back here in the kitchen, next week, for more great-tasting, high-quality,quick and easy nutrition recipes. see you guys then. cheers!


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