diet for building muscle yahoo answers

diet for building muscle yahoo answers

captioning is on! to turn off, click cc button at bottom right! follow the amoebas on twitter (@amoebasisters) and on facebook. i want you to think for a moment about yourvery favorite food. what is it? pizza? macaroni and cheese? chicken salad? sushi? well weall have different food preferences, but food is a source of large molecules that are neededfor life called biomolecules. there are 4 major biomolecules that make up all of life,and this will be the focus of this video. before we get into details about the 4 biomolecules,we need to talk about one very important vocab word. the word monomer. monomer. a monomeris a building block – if i had some large substance, the parts that make up that substanceare called monomers. just like building blocks.

we're going to talk about monomers a lot today. let’s introduce the 4 biomolecules now andtalk a little bit about their functions. first, carbohydrates. carbs are something you haveprobably heard about when people are talking about diets. you know, they try to go lowcarb or maybe they want a lot of carbs...diets always come and go. pasta and breads are examplesof foods heavy in carbohydrates. carbs are actually a very important source of fact, that's one big function of carbs. they are a great, fast source of energy. ifyou were a marathon runner, you might want to eat a lot of carbs the night before a race.lots of marathon runners do something called pasta loading. they eat a big pasta dinnerthe night before they go out on their marathon.

now carbs have a monomer- again, remember,monomers are building blocks. the monomer for a carb is called a monosaccharide. i knowthat's a big mouthful but monosaccharides make up carbohydrates. next one up is a diverse group known as lipids. lipids are better known as fats. they have 2 different types of building blocks. one type of building block is called a fatty acid and the other type is called a glycerol. now examples of lipids include butter, oil, and cholesterol. now lipids have a lot of great functions. you may think well that's good can fatbe? well it just depends when you put it into context. for example, you know those reallyadorable seals that you see on calendars? they have this fluffy white hair. they'reactually called a harp seal. well they're

actually only fluffy and cute when they'rebabies. when they get older, they're not quite as cute. but in their little baby stage, theyactually have a lot of this hair that they're born with that help keep them warm. but over time,they have to develop blubber. it's fat and it helps them keep warm. lipids are greatfor insulating. also you might not think about fats as being related to energy, but fatsare a great source of long term energy. they can store energy for a long, long time. sayfor example you wanted to swim the english channel. that's like 21 miles of swimming.the fastest swimmers might be able to do that in 7 or 8 hours but it might take a lot longerthan that for the average swimmer. more like 25 hours, and that's a lot of swimming. wellyou would want to make sure that your body

has enough lipids- enough stored fat- thatit can pull upon. after you burn off those carbohydrates (remember our fast source ofenergy), you might not have enough energy storage unless you have some lipids on hand.lipids also make up cell membranes so they are very important for life. of course anexcessive amount of lipids could be a bad thing for your health. remember it's all aboutmoderation. ok, next, proteins! when you hear about proteins,a lot of times you might here about power bars that say they have lots of protein inthem and that they help with muscle building. protein is great for muscle building. examplesof foods that are high in protein include meats and many types of beans. the monomersof protein are amino acids. so sometimes you

see these labels that say, "this has 20 aminoacids in this food." really they're just trying to say that it has protein, and proteins aremade up of amino acids so that's just some fancy advertising for you. proteins are veryimportant for muscle development, but they are also involved in other functions suchas working in the immune system and acting as enzymes. remember enzymes are made of proteinsso proteins are very important for the body. when we start talking about genes - the dnagenes not the jeans you wear- the dna codes for proteins that make up a lot of differentthings in your body. the last big biomolecule is known as a nucleicacid. nucleic acids include dna and rna, which we'll get to when we get to genetics. theyhave a monomer called a nucleotide. that's

going to be an easy one for you to rememberbecause nucleotide sounds like nucleic acid. if considering dna and rna, both of theseare involved in genetic information for the coding of your traits. they are found in alot of your food, because whenever you eat something that came from something once living,it can still contain the dna. for example, when you eat a strawberry, you're actuallyconsuming all the cells that make up that strawberry. in the nucleus of all of thosestrawberry cells is dna. plants and animals both have dna. any type of life must containnucleic acids like dna to direct the cells' activities. so we just powered through introducing the4 biomolecules by providing examples, exploring

their monomers, and giving some general last very important part to mention is the structure of these biomolecules. understandingthe structure can help with predicting their properties and easily being able to identifythem. one thing i like to tell students to do is to write the 4 biomolecules in thissame order we went through: carbs, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. then rememberthis mnemonic device that goes with those 4 biomolecules. cho, cho, chon, chonp. insteadof chomp at the end, it's chomp with an "n.” the c stands for carbon, the h stands forhydrogen, the o for oxygen. so carbs, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids all have thatcho in there. it's just that proteins and nucleic acids also have an n which is nitrogenand nucleic acids additionally have a p which

is for phosphorous. so again cho, cho, chon,chonp---the major elements in the 4 biomolecules. these elements are arranged differently inthe 4 biomolecules---such as a ring arrangement

diet for building muscle yahoo answers,or a chain arrangement. it’s important toexplore the arrangement of the elements in biomolecules, because the structure of thatarrangement greatly impacts the biomolecule function. so to the google to discover somebiomolecule arrangement illustrations. well that's it for the amoeba sisters and we remindyou to stay curious.


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