the diet to gain muscle mass

the diet to gain muscle mass

what's good? this is kreativevein and today we'll be talkingabout gaining muscle mass. as a skinny-fat motherfucker myself, i decidedto change how i looked and felt. i didn't have too much of an idea due to thefact that a lot of videos just say eat more and do curls, however it's actually not toomuch more complicated than that. looking at this picture, you might be pointingand laughing, do you even lift bro? yes i do motherfucker, the thing is it's onlybeen 3 months. so then the question is how am i even certified? looking at my picture, in 3 months i wentfrom skinny fat to finally looking my age,

being more confident and social, and havingbetter habits due to lifting. so let's get into it, if you trust me. step 1: start lifting properly ok i get that you're probably saying wow you'rea fucking genius bro. i mean real lifting with compound movements. do something real simple for beginners withconstant increases in weight. this means building strength first, and musclewill follow. obviously after you can do more isolationmovements to look better, but if you don't have any strength, where is that muscle goingto come from?

do something like stronglifts 5x5 or startingstrength where you only do big movements that work your entire body, such as bench press,squats, and deadlifts. follow it every other day and you'll be makinggains in no time compared to the guy you see popping curls, moving from machine to machine,but making no real progress. step 2: start eating more what else is there to say? you have to start eating more to build moremass. most say you have to eat extremely clean andessentially miss out on a ton of flavor but if you are eating decently, add in more proteinand possibly another full meal along with

breakfast lunch and dinner and you'll be set. not only do you get to eat more food, butyou also get a better body in the process of doing this. people often want to supplement, but startingout just eat one more meal and have a caloric surplus and you'll be solid. step 3: sleep more i used to be one of those guys that wouldstay up until 3am each night stressing out over school, games, and basically not doinganything with my life except jacking off to depraved internet porn.

if you are like me from last year and don'tsleep, then you will not only not have enough energy to lift, you will also not allow yourmuscles to recover enough to actually develop. enjoy your rest and sleep on schedule. this is not only good for looking better,but also for life in general. i have a video on how to wake up early everymorning (i wake up at 4am nowadays and quit porn and masturbation) with tons of energy. besides that, learning how to start liftingis not that hard at all. you just have to start lifting correctly,start eating more, and sleep well. i've seen some videos where they go over manymore basic tips such as staying consistent

and using only free weights, however thatwas all covered in the first step which is to follow a simple program like stronglifts5x5. no need to waste time like those kids playingwith the smith machine. over the next few months you will feel better,look better, and build that muscle along with your new strength.

the diet to gain muscle mass,after that, you can move onto intermediateand advanced programs such as wendler's 531/big but boring program which i am currently on. if you want to learn more about self-development,subscribe to me (kreativevein) for more videos! peace.


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