total elimination diet while breastfeeding

total elimination diet while breastfeeding

♪ [music] ♪ - [dr. edward group] welcome, welcome, testing,mike, can everybody hear me ok? - [together] yeah. - all right, so today i'm gonna be talkingabout exposing psychiatry's secret agenda, and it might be a little bit controversialbut that's the way that i like to do things. first of all, a little bit about me. i'm gonnagive you the 2-minute version. both of my parents died of cancer when i was in my late20s, so i was really devoted to finding natural remedies and cures for cancer. so, even beforechiropractic college i was going down and

meeting with the doctors in mexico and puttingtogether protocols and had a little team that we've formed in houston. when i graduated chiropractic college, itwas around 1998, and we opened up a cancer clinic. yes, i know, i was kind of a renegadeand sooner or later though, we traced the root cause of all diseases back to the accumulationof toxins coming in the body. and we were very successful, not only withour cancer program but with every degenerative disease. to the point where my office gotraided by the f.d.a., i was told i had to stop and you know, this information can neverget out. so, that led me to teaching people, because everybody has a self-healing mechanism,we know that, and what we found out with the

program that we developed was that everythingis in simplicity. anyone can do this, and it was based on just cleansing the body toreactivate the body self-healing mechanism. so, that led us to create cleansing programs,et cetera, and then led us to where we are today. but something is dear to my heart thati see that is happening, and all of you see that's happening on a daily basis, and that'sthe drugging of everybody, and our children. for me, from the time i was 7 to 15, i wasin psychiatrist office, practically every week. those are my memories, because i waslabeled as hyperactive, i wasn't that really good at school, i mean, i was a c student.but i just didn't like school, i felt they were teaching me the wrong information.

so, i was one of those wild child that myparents didn't know what to do with and so... even though that i was in psychology officeevery week, they still never told me anything that really helped me out that much. and thankgod, they didn't put me on medications because that was on the '70s before it really gotbad. we really are looking at some devastatingeffects happening right now, so what i want to cover is how to recognize it, what to doabout it, and then how to-- what is the root cause of mental illness, etc., and howyou can work with your patients, or work with your own life. there was a big pharma executive at merck, ithink he was the president of merck about

10 years ago, that had an executive meetingand he told everybody, the first disaster is if we kill people with pharmaceuticals,the second disaster is if we cure people with pharmaceuticals. we all know how that cameabout, but really the history of pharmaceuticals was starting around, even in the '40s theywere using fluoride type compounds to reduce aggression and be able to reduce any typeof the so called mental illness. but if you think about it, "mental illness",does that mean that your mind is ill? have you ever seen an ill mind? well, they seem to think that the problemis an ill mind. so, the dsm, the diagnostic and statistical manual was developed by psychiatristthat just sat around the table and decided

"ok, someone has a little bit of stress" or"someone has obsessive compulsive" or "someone has depression" or "bipolar" or something,some form of symptom, "let's put together with the pharmaceutical companies a way thatwe can create new customers from ages 1 to life." and the strange thing is they're blaming it onchemical imbalance but there's no physical test, blood, urine, x-ray, or anything thatcan verify mental illness. and the strange thing is, it is a chemical imbalance goingon in the brain but it's actually the chemicals that you're putting in the body that's causingit, which they're not addressing the root cause of that.

just to give you some facts, psychiatric drugskill an estimated 3 thousand people every month, a hundred million people worldwide.all those school shooters out there, most of them were on psychotropic drugs. fluorideis actually one of the main components in psychotropic drugs and there's 8 million childrenon adhd medication, 20 million on some type of psychiatric drug out there. this is thenext generation, this is what we have to deal with really. what i want to do now, is just show you aquick video and, let you know a little bit how big this program is, that the pharmaceuticalsare working on. - [male voice] mathew was a very loved child,he was an 18-years-old american boy like everybody

else in this country. - when he was born, he was just the cutestlittle baby with big brown eyes. - he was a handsome little boy, he was alwaysvery happy. - he was such a free spirit, he was so happyall the time and he had a smile to die for. [[00:08:00]] - i remember matt's smile, boy. - [inaudible 00:08:04], yeah. those eyes ofhis could probably get him into a lot of trouble. - he was always involved in, he likes to beinvolved in sports... - we used to play basketball, paintball,

- he was always [inaudible 00:08:14], that'sone thing i liked about him, [inaudible 00:05:15] - someone who you can always talk to, youknow, personal relationships, someone you can depend on. - matt was a great person, lots of fun. - i miss him. i miss him everyday in my life. - [presenter] twenty-four, matt steubing... - [celeste steubing] we called him matthew,we called him matt, the kids, the girls, a lot of them called him matty, you know. buthe was my matt, and he loved to fool around with the kids, and wrestle with the boys and,he and annie were very close because they

were the closest in age. those two, they werelike 2 peas in a pod. unfortunately, apparently, he was having problemssleeping and he was having bad dreams and, waking up and, starting to have like panicattacks. that's when i said to him "you know, matt, maybe it would be helpful if you talkto somebody outside of the family. would you wanna do that?". so, i made an appointment with him. so wego in there and she sits down with us and after no more than 15 minutes of talking withmatthew and asking some questions, she gives us samples of lexapro. so, i said "what aboutside effects?" i said "what should we expect from something like this?" and she says "they'revery well tolerated" and she said "you know,

he could have like headaches or nausea, ormaybe some insomnia". so, we went home with our sample pack of lexaproand, at that point he stopped wanting to talk. [[00:09:58]] he seem to be withdrawing more. this was weirdbehaviour for him. well, a lot was happening at this time, also. and he was graduatingfrom high-school, of course, the big plan, the kids always think on their senior beachweek. he didn't want to go, he wanted to go visit his brother. so, he went. the day that he was suppose to be coming home,it was around one o'clock, and i hadn't heard from him yet. he was supposed to call me whenhe finally left. later on, i guess it was

after i got out of work i called, and he didn'tanswer. but a little while later, he called me back and he said, matt said he was almostin north carolina, it was about 11:30 and i called. he said, "i'm fine, i just passedroanoke." i woke up around 2:30 and i jumped up to theclock, realized he should have been home an hour ago. so, i called his cell phone, itwent straight to the voice mail. i kept calling and calling and i'm "mathew, pick up yourfreaking phone." i was like, so upset. so i felt asleep and woke up again, about sixo'clock in the morning and he still wasn't home. i didn't know what to do, i started gettingready to work. i went to work, i could hardly

function so i went and said to my boss "i'vegot to go home". i get in the door, the phone is ringing. [[00:11:05]][phone ringing] - [celeste] and there's this other man on theother end, and he said "i'm looking for the family of matthew steubing." i said, "thisis his mother, who is this?" and he said, "i'm calling about the jumping" - [celeste] our world blew apart. i couldn'timagine that this had happened, we couldn't understand because this just wasn't matthew.none of this was matthey, i mean, it was like it made no sense, it made no sense.

- [dr. group] so, this is actually what'shappening. there's one child every single week committing suicide right now. there's such an attack on the children, 17million children worldwide are being prescribed psychiatric drugs. and the sad part is, asyou know, the normal time spent in a physician office now is less than 7 minutes. but they'rebeing prescribed these drugs in less than 15 minutes, without any type of diagnosticmaterial. children as young as 4 have attempted suicidewhile influenced by these drugs. and 5-years-olds have actually committed suicide. the 5 andyounger age group are the fastest growing segment of the non-adult population prescribedantidepressants.

i mean, that's just crazy. i can't believeyou would actually give medications to children when their mind is growing. when they needto be able to experience life around them. antidepressant use is up 580% just between1995 and 1999. and my question is how many geniuses are beinglost every single day because of this. when was the last time that we've had an eisnteinor a tesla or some form, some genius out there. i mean, what happens to the kid is as soonas they're born, they're born in a pure state. and then they get vaccinated which automaticallymesses with their mind. and then, all of the toxins and the chemicalsthey're exposed to. most geniuses, einstein, lincoln, winston churchill, tesla, all ofthem would have been diagnosed with learning

disabilities. einstein didn't even fully comprehendand read the english language until he was nine. i mean, each one of the main geniuses outthere, all really had if you look at the history books, some form of what would be labeledtoday as a learning disability. so, here's another short video i'd like toshow everybody. - [female narrator] in just these past fewmonths, i have found that we are in the middle of an epidemic of the psychiatric druggingof our children. across the world there are 20 million children on some type of psychiatricdrug. 20 million! and as shocking as it might seem, psychiatristat a recent conference even admitted that

they're diagnosing children at younger andyounger ages. - [female reporter] from your personal experience,what's the earliest ages that you can diagnose a child with a mental disorder? - it depends, some disorders start in earlychildhood, some in adolescence, some in adulthood. - it's a very, very complicated question. - earliest isn't really a criteria. - and the junior school go on to a high school. - thirteen, fourteen. - probably, at six and over.

- at the age of six. - five, or six. - age of five. - five years. - three, four, five, six years of age. - probably, four or five. - four or five. - you look at a kid who is 4-years-old andtry to diagnose some of add, how can you tell it's not just because they're 4-years-old.

- four years. - three years. - very early, two, three, four. - two or three years. - at the age of two or three. - two, three. - toddler. - before 18 months. - they can actually see signsas early as the age of one.

- a few months early. - babies. - the newborn. - newborns. - rebirth as, that's what we wish.- psychological problems can be prescribed even when you're in the mother's womb. - [female narrator] it's disgusting that anyonewould even think at giving a mind altering drug to a young child with a developing brain.but what about the children drugged before they are even born.

- [dr. group] so, that's pretty sick, huh?i mean, before they're even born. diagnosing mental illness. it's all part of the big planto have everybody on some form of mental illness, or some form of medication. so, there's really three types or categories,which you need to look out for, one is adhd medication, and i know everybody is familiarwith that. that's gonna be ritalin, adderall, methylin, and the other ones. but really, what you need to look at is theadhd medication side effects. just with one medication you have side effects, but a lotof times, these children and adult start with one medication which leads to another one,and leads to another one.

so, nervousness, increased risk of suddendeath, increased blood pressure, heart rate, weight loss, circulation problems. you know,adhd, the medication is basically legal speed so, all of the addictive personality traitsyou're gonna get with that as well. then, you look at the antidepressant categorywhich actually, adhd medication can cause depression and then, they're back in for lexapro,prozac, paxil, and you still haven't addressed the root cause of why the have mental illnessto begin with, which is all the chemical and toxins. all you're doing is putting more chemicalsand toxins into their systems. antidepressant side effects, suicide, nervousness,bipolar, anxiety, weight gain, violence. you know, there's kids that are actually slaughteringthe family pets. insomnia, increased risk

of suicide. and the third category is the anti-psychoticswhere you have the seroquel, the zyprexa, the abilify, which all of these usually, likei said have fluoride containing compounds in them, but now you have anti-psychotic medicationwhich actually cause psychotic and manic behavior. tremors, heart problems, increasedrisk of sudden death again. these three categories really need to be lookedat. 91% of all the children, that go to the psychiatrist leave with a prescription andthey actually have, in the dsm, which is dsm 5 now, it's over 4 hundred different mentaldisorders that if you leave the psychiatrist office without a prescription, there's a diagnosisof mental illness just for leaving the psychiatrist

office without a prescription. so, this is all big money for the drug companies.20 million dollars a year is what the ceos get. 100 xanax for example, costs 2.5 centsto manufacture and are sold for 136, that's a profit of 500,000%. and the sad thing is that the smart childrenare the ones that are being targeted. i mean, because they're the ones that are bored inschool. i talk to parents all the time, that actually did not vaccinate, that feed theirchildren organic diets, they're above and beyond all the other children in the, of course they're gonna be labeled as a learning disability, because they alreadyknow the information, their brain is actually

working, they're smarter and so, school becomesboring for them. but not only are they attacking children,but also pregnant moms. right now, 1 in 6 pregnant women are diagnosed with depressive disorderand given and prescribed anti-depressants. they're taking anti-depressants when theygo into early labor. i don't know how they're doing it but apparently,there's some ultrasound that can diagnose bipolar disorder in the womb now. and thenbreastfeeding as well. so, this is one last video that i want to show you, and then we'llmove on to the solutions on what you can do to eliminate this. - friends get to visit their brothers in college,and they have their little brothers on speed dial

i have to visit mine in the cemetery,because someone made the decision that this that this information wasn't gonna make them money.and what it came down to, or it wouldn't get their drug approved. so i visit my brother in cemetery on his birthday,and on my birthday, and on christmas. and and then in any random day of the week, i go there.but i won't see him get married, and i won't and i won't see him have kids, and he won't be there forme, when i do those things, because he's not here. - [dr. group] the reason i'm showing thatis because not only are they saying the kid is affected, but it affects the whole familyand, when you have that one person on psychotropic

drugs, or a kid on psychotropic drugs, it'snot just that. there're so many other things that the whole family, grandparents, everybodyare affected by that. so, i started looking in to more on how they'repushing this. and the schools are actually pushing drugs right now, they're sending formshome, for the parents to fill out. "do you get nervous before a test?" of course, i mean,who doesn't. "do you experience any depressive-like symptoms from time to time?" so, the doctoractually, who wrote the screenings, most of the screenings for the schools actually, cameout and said that they were wrong 84% of the time. and drugs are even being prescribed if you'renervous before you're just nervous before

a test so, hopefully, that would change. so,what's actually causing all of the mental illness. that's really what we need to lookat and, it's not that hard to figure out because as chiropractors we do an extended history,which i think is one of the lost arts out there of really finding out what's going onwith your patients. because you can find out everything, you know,asking them about their job environment, asking them what about their dietary habits, whatdo they drink, are they on artificial sweeteners. all mental disorders, there is really in mymind? no such thing as a mental disorder, none of them exists. that means all 4 hundred and something mentaldisorders in the dsm are non-existing, and

you can do the same thing because you canlook at every single chemical toxin that affects the brain, fluoride, how toxic halogens, phthalates, endocrine disrupting chemicals, other prescription medications,gmo foods, gluten has effects on the mind. i mean, if you factor in all of the toxicchemicals that people are exposed to on a daily basis, and kids are exposed to on adaily basis, that's the cause of the mental illness, not some weird genetic chemical imbalanceor something. [claps] - [dr. group] thank you. so, everything isin simplicity, you know. it's really, addressing the root cause and the same thing we did withevery single disease whether it was cancer

or anything else, it's taking away. let'ssay the body's taking in a million toxins every single day, but it can only get ridof 500,000 toxins on a daily basis because, people aren't drinking enough water, you'renot urinating enough, you're not defecating enough, the medical profession says two bowel movementsa week is normal. i mean, crazy, you're not breathing enough,you're not respirating, you're not sweating enough so, how we do it is just going backto simplicity. where are all of the chemicals that are goingto affect the brain and cause the so called mental illness entering the body? they'reall entering through the intestinal tract, through the food, and beverages and waterand all of the other stuff so, step one is

70% of your immune system is in your gut,you know that. most people's gut is imbalanced, first thing we do is cleansing the gut tissue,changing up the diet, eating more organically. and there's a lot of probiotics out there,the ones that i've used, that seem to work very good, i used oxy-powder to cleanse theintestines and then, i use latero-flora, delpro, and primal defense ultra but i'm notsaying that these are the b-- you know, that everybody needs to use these. but anyway,what i'm saying is fix the gut, you'll be amazed at how many children, as a matter offact, the american autism association uses our cleansing program for children with autismbecause it works so good. jenny mccarthy, actually, mentioned oxy-powderin her book because once the gut become healthy

all those brain altering chemicals are notgoing to be affecting and altering the neurotransmitters and causing any type of mental illness. and that's step 2, which you can kind of dostep 1, is cleaning up the air and the water in your home, eating organic food, avoidingthe gluten, avoiding all the gmos, avoid the toxic drinks, avoiding all the processed foods,microwaved food, taking away everything that's going to cause the mental illness to beginwith. and then step 3 is really creating an environmentfor your children or for yourself. we're talking about children up here mostly, but prettymuch, i would say 90% of the adults that contacted us have been on multiple psychotropic drugsfor a long time.

so, it's about changing one thing at a timebut, reducing stress and anxiety is probably one of the hardest things to do living inthis world with all the negativity coming on tv. so, what i recommend is meditation,actually, is one of the fastest ways to move from a sympathetic state into a parasympatheticstate. like nine, sitting down, nine deep breaths. and actually, people usually eat their foodin a sympathetic state because they eat on the run, they eat in the car, they eat watchingtv and, what happens when you digest is the system is in a sympathetic state, you're notgoing to digest your food properly. people aren't chewing their food until it's a liquidbefore they swallow it either.

so, getting a hobby learning about yourselfis one of the best way to reduce stress and anxiety. now, like i said earlier, everybodyhas a self-healing mechanism and i didn't realize how powerful that was because, evenwhen we had our cancer and degenerative diseases clinic, i still have like 260 different typesof supplements on my cabinet from all over the world and, we would take everybody througha cleansing process and then we would help them out with the different types of supplements. but what happened over time is, just by cleansingthe body, people would start to get better. and different types of diseases and conditions would go away. and that would usually be an intestinal cleanse,

multiple liver and gallbladder cleanses,kidney cleanse, parasite cleanse, i mean, parasites are everywhere and the parasitesare altering because they're eating and taking all of your nutrients and then secreting toxicsubstances back into your body. like isopropyl alcohol, formalin, formaldehyde. so, once you get rid of, you clean the boweland the liver and the kidneys, and you clean all the parasites out and then you clean allthe chemicals and heavy metals out of the body, then the body self-healing mechanismstarts to reactivate itself again and the healing process begins. of course, with chiropracticcare as well because you have to free up those nerve pathways to all the organs so the bodycan properly detoxify itself.

what i found is that even kids, i didn'tknow how important the liver actually was until 15 years of looking at people with alldifferent types of diseases and, figuring out that pretty much even kids now with obesity,the liver is associated, everybody's liver is pretty much toxic because the liver isoverworked. i mean, how can the liver detoxify so many chemicals on a daily basis that we'reexposing ourselves to. but step 4, while you're working on gettingthe body clean, while you're working on reactivating the body self-healing mechanism, some of thethings that i've used that i think work the best are iodine, a detoxified nascent iodine,which i think pretty much everybody needs, i mean, that's why you're seeing so many thyroidconditions, because of all the estrogens and

the endocrine disruptive chemicals and theother toxic bromine, chlorine, fluoride. rhodiola is a good herb that's kind of anadaptogenic that seems to work to help balance somebody's emotional state. kanna, mucuna, passion flower, saffron extract,and bacopa. so, those are like some natural things you can do but, the biggest thing isthat you start seeing all the mental disorders go away as soon as you start healing the body,healing the gut and reactivating the body self-healing mechanism. so, hopefully, everybody will-- i have a bookcalled the green body cleanse which actually explains all that and explains the protocolsthat we've used over the last 15 years. and

it's easy to implement into your practiceand implement into your own lives, because it's not eliminate everything, it's replaceeverything. so, it's not that here's the problem, it's here's the situation and here's the solutionto the situation. like replace your table salt with himalayan crystal salt, get offthe artificial sweeteners, replace them with this. eat organic, don't eat gmo food. and education, because really, we should beeducating the patient because the doctor is

total elimination diet while breastfeeding,really within ourselves. and if we educatepeople how to listen to their bodies, listen to their symptoms, then we are really a teacherand we're helping society and those people get results and they can pass on that information.

thank you. i appreciate your time today, andwish you guys the best.


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