ways to diet while breastfeeding

ways to diet while breastfeeding

congratulations, you have a baby and you'vechosen to breast feed. my name is beverly bitterman, arnp, health and wellness consultant,and i'm here to talk to you about some tips and strategies for eating a healthy diet whileyou're breastfeeding, to make sure that your baby gets the best possible nutrition. oneof the first things to pay attention to is water. you want to make sure that you getenough water. and, the recommendation is still an ounce of water for every two pounds ofyour body weight. when you sit down to nourish your baby, have a glass of water with you.that can be a great way to make sure that you're in the habit of getting plenty of water.the other thing that you're probably wanting to know is what foods should i avoid. well,of course, you want to avoid caffeine and

alcohol. if you find that you have an occasionalparty to go to and you'd like to have a glass of wine, what you might want to do is feedyour baby before you go, or pump your breast before you go and then the next time thatwould be the feeding, you would want to express that milk and throw it out and supplementwith something that you've pumped earlier, or with a commercial formula, because youdon't want your baby to get that milk, when you've had alcohol in your body. the otherthing to look at is if your baby's having gassy kinds of symptoms, there may be certainfoods that you can tie that back to. it may be things like gas forming foods for yourown body, some of the cabbages and things like that, possibly nuts could cause gas.so, you want to pay attention to what causes

that and of course, not eat that. overall,you want to make sure that you're eating a really healthy diet. you want to make surethat you get protein, that you get carbohydrates, and whole grains in terms of the carbohydratesare best. avoid empty calories, make sure that you're getting plenty of fruits and vegetablesfor the vitamins that they bring. and, you want to make sure that you're eating a normalamount of calories. you can eat up to about

ways to diet while breastfeeding,five hundred calories more than you wouldtypically, because you're using that in the breast milk, and you might also find thatbreastfeeding is a great way to lose weight naturally, after you have a baby. again, myname is beverly bitterman, health and wellness consultant, and i wish you great luck withyour new baby.


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