what kind of diet to gain muscle

what kind of diet to gain muscle

hey, what's up guys? troy here with weightgainnetwork.com.i want to help you guys gain muscle mass today and i want to talk about the importance ofhealthy fats. so many skinny guys that i see and i meeton a day-to-day basis, when i ask them what they eat, and the kind of things they implementinto their diet to gain the most amount of lean muscle mass - they all say protein. theyall say carbs and most guys don't really make a point to say "i eat a lot of healthy fats- i eat a lot of omega 3's in my diet" and so forth. so i want to talk about the importanceof healthy fats and also to give you guys my five favorite healthy fats (or at leastfive of my favorite healthy fats) to help you guys increase your omega 3 content, spikeup your testosterone production and just overall

become healthier and increase your proteinsynthesis - it has so many fantastic benefits. so two things that happen when you don't haveenough healthy fats in your diet is your testosterone production is going to be lower and you'regoing to have no omega 3's in your diet. so cholesterol is actually a precursor to testosteroneproduction so you actually need a little bit of healthy fats to get that cholesterol in.so things like egg yolk (which i'm going to get into in a little bit) - contains a lotof cholesterol which is actually really essential for producing testosterone. i got this articlehere too and i just want to point out a few of the benefits just in case you guys aren'tfamiliar with omega 3's. it's just a really good article that discusses the some of thebenefits of omega 3 fatty acids in relation

to muscle growth and training. so here itsays "omega 3 fatty acids enhance insulin sensitivity which boost muscle protein synthesis(a.k.a. muscle growth) and increases glucose and amino acid uptake. omega 3's are readilyburned for fuel sparring muscle glycogen to keep muscles bigger. additionally omega 3'shave been found to blunt muscle and joint breakdown as well as enhance and recovery.also omega 3's help increase your testosterone and your anabolic hormone production. so youneed to eat healthy fats to get your omega 3's. so i want to get into my five favoritehealthy fats. a few of these are really rich sources of omega 3 and overall just omegafatty acids. first one of my favorite healthy fats to gainmass- it's just a well-rounded is omega 3-6-9

supplement. you actually want a good amountof omega 3 and omega 6. you don't want to be too abundant in any of them so by takinga supplement like this, you'll pretty much ensure that your body has enough omega 3,6 and 9s that it needs. so this supplement right here - this has got all my epa and dhafor my omega 3 and it also has my gla for my omega 6. i'm not going to break down thescience of all this stuff - just realize that your body needs it and by taking a supplementlike this, you get everything that you need in one day. so this is comprising of flaxseed oil, sunflower seed oil, sesame seed oil, pumpkin seed oil, sunflower oil so thisis like an all natural plant source. if you guys want, you can just take like a reallygood fish oil too and just throw in some natural

greens - you guys will be golden as well atthat. this is one thing that i'll take daily and another thing that i'll do is i'll takeflax seed - it's best to actually grind them. whole flax seeds (this is just kind of likethe lazy version) but you get more of the natural oils and the health benefits. youguys can buy the whole ground flax seed and you grind them like in a coffee grinder buti talk about this in another video. but what i'll do is i'll put about one or two tablespoonsand i'll put this in my oatmeal and i'll mix it around with some cinnamon and you reallydon't taste it at all. it doesn't even taste bad - it's just a really easy way to get omega3's first thing in the morning and some healthy fats. it's also really high in fiber. so flaxseeds are a really, really great source of

omega 3's to help you guys build muscle, helpyou guys increase your fiber intake and overall your general health. another thing as you can see i eat these allof the time from my half-eaten messed up little package here - of nautural unsalted walnuts.walnuts are one of the best sources of omega 3's - they're very high in healthy fats butone of the healthiest nuts for omega 3's so i highly recommend sprinkling some walnutsor just eating some handfuls throughout the day. maybe you make a salad you can throwa few of them in there. so these are really good. and so brazil nuts are also a reallyfantastic source of mono-unsaturated fats. they're also really high in selenium - they'regoing to help you spike up your testosterone

production - help you get that great caloriesurplus. brazil nuts are really high in fat. just one ounce has 19 grams of fat. so a fantasticnut to create that calorie surplus and get healthy fats into your system - also get thatselenium production. it's been shown that vitamin d3, selenium and zinc all in yoursystem - it's going to help amp up your testosterone production. so i highly recommend brazil nutsinto your diet. and, i don't have it out right now but also- whole eggs. so the egg yolk is really high in cholesterol (so this is going to help)cholesterol - is a precursor to your testosterone production. so one little thing i've beendoing recently is i'll have like three to four whole eggs first thing in the morningand three to four whole eggs right before

i go to bed. since all your anabolic hormonesare released and synthesized right when you go to bed, by consuming eggs right beforeyou go to bed you're getting your cholesterol high, you're going to get your testosteronelevels nice and high and it's just a really fantastic source of protein and healthy fatright before you go to bed. so you wake up, you're a beast - you're ready to go the nextday and you're ready to kill that workout and you have your anabolic hormones at a skyhigh level. i really can't underestimate the importance of healthy fats when you're tryingto bulk up, gain lean muscle mass, even when you're trying to diet down - healthy fatsare so vital for overall health - they're

what kind of diet to gain muscle,going to help you guys reach your traininggoals and i highly recommend consuming all

five things on the list regularly. and there'salso a lot of other healthy fats too that i didn't get into. any kind of mixed nuts,avocados - there's all sorts of healthy fats. so make sure you get it in daily and you guyswill meet your training needs.


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