what to eat to gain muscle yahoo

what to eat to gain muscle yahoo

hey guys it's phil here from l.a,i decided to do a review on elite test 360 which is a great testosterone booster.i have a list of 3 favorite test boosters that i have either used myself or had my clientsuse. and elite test360 is on my list. a lot of people have been asking me what isuggest they take to get gains and more muscle fast.i tell them hit the gym and eat right... but of course you don't want to hear that,you want to hear how to get fast progress and keep your resultswell i stand behind elite test360 it has powerful healthy ingredients to makeyou rock solid, get gains fast and of course massive libido for the ladies.i personally used it this time for a bulk

phasebut you can use it to cut, lift way more,

what to eat to gain muscle yahoo,packon lean muscle, lose fat or even just for sexual aid.this truly is a platinum supplement. i figured i'd put a link below for you guysif you're interested in checking it out. thanks and see you next time.


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