hermit crab diet ocean
how do you tell if your crab is dead? well,crabs can often look dead, but not be dead. for instance this guy, he's been sitting here,he's not moving. he doesn't seem to respond to anything, but i can assure you he's notdead, and i can tell you how i know why. there's two tests i like to do, to find out if thecrab is dead. there's the limp test, which is, is the crab limp? does he move aroundeasily? no, he's in there hard. he doesn't
hermit crab diet ocean, want to move. he's just being kind of a stinker.he doesn't want to have anything to do with me. he's not limp, he's not falling easilyout of his shell, his legs don't move around easily, if i push on them. he's in controlof his own body. the other test is the sniff test. give him a sniff. trust me, if he'sdead, you'll smell it. there's nothing quite
like the smell of a dead crab, and it's prettypungent, and it's pretty obvious, so if he doesn't smell...